The ASME 2023 International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM2023) promotes a broad global exchange of information on technologies, operations, management approaches, economics, and public policies in the critical areas of environmental remediation and radioactive waste management.
The conference provides a unique opportunity to foster cooperation among specialists from countries with mature environmental management programs and those from countries with emerging programs. ICEM is a forum for managers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, equipment suppliers, government officials, utility representatives and owners of environmental problems from around the world to:
- meet and present advances in technologies
- exchange ideas and experiences while promoting technological progress and its application in industry
- promote international cooperation in environmental remediation and radioactive waste management
ICEM will be held next from October 4 – 6, 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany, as the sixteenth in a series of international conferences on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management organized by the ASME in cooperation with others.
Tracks and Topics
As with past ICEM's the Conference will feature Plenary and Luncheon speakers, breakout sessions and a large exhibit hall suitable for equipment displays for radioactive D/D&D tasks. The breakout sessions will feature panel discussions, invited speakers, articles and presentations as well as peer reviewed papers. For more details on the tracks please visit our conference site.
Track 1: Robotics and Remote Handling and Viewing TechnologiesTrack 2: Facility Decommissioning, Decontamination & Demolition (D/D&D) Overall (Planning, Decommissioning, Demolition)Track 3: Major facilities experience in handling incidents/accidentsTrack 4: Spent Fuel, Fissile Material, TRU and HLW ManagementTrack 5: L/ILW Radioactive Waste Management
Track 6: Environmental Remediation (ER)- Activities at NORM/TENORM SitesTrack 7: Public Involvement/ Crosscutting Issues/Global Partnering/ Human Resource DevelopmentTrack 8: New Facility Planning/ Environmental Management (EM)/ Health & SafetyTrack 9: Student/Young Engineers ProgramTrack 10: D/D&D Research & Development Activities |